Just an ordinary guy who sometimes does something extraordinary.

Jojo @Jukestar

Age 31

Beats meπŸ’“

Earth 🌎

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"I am evil because I was raised this way."

Posted by Jukestar - January 8th, 2024

Ok, but if you know it was bad to grow up this way, why are you putting others through the same thing? Surely you can do better than this sort of thinking? If you know your guardians did wrong by you, why would you imitate their actions?



That's a thing called imprinting. Subconsciously following the patterns that the person observed in their parents / teachers / guardians / friends / you name it. There are multiple psychological reasons for that and they make this into sort of a habit that is hard to break. The cycle of violence is not called cycle for no reason. Breaking it is not an easy thing and usually requires a help from outside.

I ain't gonna act like I haven't done it myself; I suppose I am just wise to this cycle now.

Bro, you just don't understand. Bad stuff happening to me in my childhood justifies the bad stuff I do as an adult. Life was hard for me at one point so that means I don't have to take responsibility for my own actions. It's just basic logic, bro.

I do feel for the people that genuinely don't know better, but I feel some people do indeed use the parent thing as a scapegoat to avoid accountability, which I also understand. Taking accountability for your actions and trying to really be a better person is met with a LOT more hostility for some reason.

@Jojo On the subject of change, if you're making changes for genuine reasons than ignore the people who are hostile. My issue with change is people doing it to do things follow trends or to pander to a different audience and try to pass it off as a change made from the heart. Circling back to terrible experiences from one's childhood, I do feel for those people. There are numerous examples of people have terrible childhoods and that expereince kneecaps them right out of the gate in life. But there also come a point when you're no longer a child and blaming what happened to you in the past can no longer excuse or explain away your bad behavior. You can grapple with those negative expereinces and come to grips with it so you can grow as a person, or you can wallow in your misery and let your terrible experiences crush you under their weight. The former is way easier said than done, but it's the way for long term happiness and to free yourself from the tyranny of the horrible things that happened to you early in life.