I do my own thing.

Age 31


Alma Matter


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Something different about NG

Posted by Jukestar - January 31st, 2024

It's funny to me how people outside of this site think Newgrounds is toxic when it's actually the most chill place I've ever resided. It's like a bar with regulars; sometimes people are assholes to each other, but in an endearing way. I love it here. <3



yeah in the 2 years i've been here (this year will be 3) everyone in this website have been so sweet and kind !

Agreed, I've been having nothing but a good time here. Sure, there's a few hiccups and messups here and there, but they're usually just brushed away by the sands of time and don't really matter. I take Newgrounds over sites like Twitter ANYDAY, also a good simile, Newgrounds really is like some chill bar or a jazz club you just pop into whenever you wanna relax after a hard day's work

If I had to guess, I'd say the people complaining about NG being "toxic" might be the same people who lost their various uploading privileges or even got their account deleted over breaking the rules one to many times. (Like the people who upload content that's not their own or the ones throwing personal insults artist in the review section...)

I would 'generally' agree that the Newgrounds community as a whole has a lot of friendly and helpful people who will gladly help one grow as a person or artist. But not an hour on NG goes by without me having to either flag something or someone. Or write somebody a PM that the bare nipples in their avatar/profile-background are against the rules of this 'open for everyone' platform...
Sometimes I wish users had to pass a simple test before they were allowed to post, review or upload. :(

People like you are why this site is awesome! Thank you for doing your part!

@Jojo I respectfully disagree. The 'artists' here are awesome. I'm just... hm... 'a casual janitor who will sometimes point people the right direction when they are lost and confused'.

I respectfully disagree with your respectful disagreement. Hehe

You may view your actions as small, but because of people like you keeping it clean here, the proper people can get their recognition instead of art thieves like on other sites (*cof* Deviantart)

You have my thanks!

True, one of the best communities ever

I think the main reason for that is Newgrounds doesn't get really into a "culture war" bullshit unline YT or Twitter/X and you don't see people complaining about politics or "wokeness".

To be fair, we did get rid of the politics forum. Honestly, good riddance. Saw little-to-no thought-provoking stuff in there. It just pissed me off when a political forum post would pop up in the forum highlights.