could be moreso like the artist becoming art incarnate?
Right now, the idea of AI feels like jumping into a pit without knowing if there is water or spikes at the bottom.
In the best outcome, the only limit would be one's own imagination. We would just have to be careful of course, as the best things come out of tender loving care.
I gotta think a little more on this. Hehe
I'm not speaking in favour of current AI as I feel it is far too disconnected from the "art" aspect of "artificial".
I wouldn't think of AI as an abyss but as something rather predictable.
Like, if we look back through human's history we'll see that many other technologies that were meant to ease our work actually fucked us up.
I don't think AI is bad. But there's plp that only see usefulness in it through a profit logic yk?
Maybe the problem of using AI is not merely moral, it is a matter regarding our work as an artist, as our labour if you will.
Yeah, AI in its current state seems very... disingenuous. When you're making AI "art", you're moreso the commissioner than the artist in your use of prompts, and you're basically paying a machine to steal from other artists. And it goes without saying that stealing people's hard work is never okay.