is realizing how truly insane you are.
Act natural; not normal.
Age 31, Male
Joined on 8/11/21
Posted by Jukestar - May 16th, 2023
One may quite often find themselves spending a significant amount of time attempting to find themselves, leading to no avail, and this individual ends up feeling quite stuck. They find themselves wondering what is their purpose. They are told that they are meant to help others, so this person looks for every attempt to help others until they find that nothing has changed and they have merely exhausted themselves; then they are told that they need to look more within, so they spend an extraordinary amount of time digging through the dirt of their inner-self only to find that they have come out the other side of the cave with no reward, not even a nugget of gold. This individual then finds that they have become quite bored of the outside world, and very bitter on the inside, for they feel as if this long journey they have been on had absolutely nothing to show for it, and this is because of one very dire mistake that they have made; and that mistake was assigning a destination, a "Point A" to "Point B".
Humanity has quite the knack for assigning patterns to things that are rather chaotic by nature. Take a moment to look at the palm of your hand; really, really look at it! Take great notice in the unique markings of your hand and how they are formed to make up the whole thing; the hand, your hand. And we say to ourselves, "Well, what's the point of this?"; there is no point, and that is precisely the point. It's just you! And then you say, "Well, I'm not satisfied with just me!", preaching to the choir there. You wanna know why you're not satisfied? It's because it's not all about you, at least not the "you" you know "you" as.
Think for a moment of a monkey seeing their own self in the mirror. The monkey is simply unaware that when they react, the reflection responds accordingly; the monkey is at first dumbfounded by this concept, but over time they realize that there was never anything to worry about, because it was merely them all along. And that is precisely what humanity is going through today, but on a more metaphysical level. When we behold another person, we may become confused by them or even anxious, and we soon realize that whatever we do, the person responds accordingly, you may see where I am going with this. Heh!
It is like you are in a hall of mirrors, and you look at the various reflections and go, "Ew, I don't like how I look in this mirror, or this one, or this one.", but you're ruining the fun of it, the fun of seeing yourself from a unique perspective. The reason why you may feel bitter on the inside and bored of life outside is because you only hold a single perspective in life; your perspective. And others' perspective is something completely unknowable to you, but that is because you refuse to look in the mirror, you've been mistaking this reflection for another person when that other is simply another you, just merely in a different shape. And this is the very idea of addressing one's shadow; we are quite often guilty of the things we accuse others of, especially without provocation. And this is a difficult concept to grasp at first, because there's not just one host looking in the reflection anymore, nor is there only one reflector. And this kind of thing can give us a very natural reaction of anxiety, even fear, but that's the thing; when you hate another, you are only hating yourself, such as when you love another, you are only loving yourself.
The reason you feel incomplete is because you are, but only because you choose to be. The world around you is not something you are an observer of, but an organism that you yourself are a part of; something to partake in, to enjoy! Life is a game, and one doesn't "work" a game, they simply "play" it. Every thing around you is like a puzzle piece that adds to your always unfinished puzzle, or a brush stroke that adds to your ever-growing canvas. You are not meant to be complete, and that is beautiful. You are beautiful BECAUSE you are imperfect.
Think about how boring it would be if you were "perfect". Think about what would happen if we knew the nature of everything; "how", "why", "where", and "when" everything came to be, even if there was a "who" that did it. Well, now you've just gone and spoiled the surprise, haven't you? Now there's no anticipation, no mystery, no fun to be had; like peaking at your present before it has arrived. That was indeed a pun. Hehe!
We worry ourselves about things that we need not worry about without looking at the clues that are already there; everything that appears in opposition of one another is actually in unity with one another. A flower blooms in Spring and dies in Fall, only to just come back again the next cycle. And what do we do when we breathe out, we don't think about it, we trust that we shall breathe in again, and we do. So relax! Breathe out, and trust that you will breathe in again.
There is no point in dwelling on the past or the future, for the past is but a memory and the future but a vision. Focus now on living the memory and creating the vision; to put it as simply as possible, be in the present! Play! Enjoy! There is no need to fear having fun.
What is weirder; to be weird, or to pretend to not be weird?
Posted by Jukestar - May 13th, 2023
Pretty much every new track I'm working on is a special track to me now. Heh
I've been studying up on boss themes with sad undertones to them and figuring out what about these compositions gives off the feeling of sadness so well, and have been working on a track with this subject matter in mind and look to put my own sadness into music form if possible.
Posted by Jukestar - May 10th, 2023
as best as I can anyway.
Since I already came up with the solution for politics from my perspective in a previous post, I'm only going to be using my brain for things such as philosophy and anything sound-related at this point; everything else is just a waste of mental space in my eyes and is not my problem.
Posted by Jukestar - May 6th, 2023
Simplify this shit:
Focusing on fixing these three things will make everything else so much easier to manage.
I'll even help.
Equality: People have the right to do as they wish with their OWN body, and a colour is just a colour.
Economy: Citizens' needs come first; ALWAYS.
Ecology: Nature is the environment humanity is the most acclimated to, for we didn't come into the world, but out of it. It only makes sense to preserve it not just for the species that live in it everyday, but for humans as well.